Sugarcane cultural festival to be held in Baiyun

Updated : December 27, 2024

The first Xiaishi Village Sugarcane Cultural Festival will be held on Dec 28 in Baiyun district.

On that day, the event will unveil the Xiaishi village agricultural tourism map and feature exciting activities such as a sugarcane sports competition, crazy sugarcane cutting, and an agricultural market.

Xiaishi village sits on the west bank of the Baini River in Jianggao town, covering an area of 2.3 square kilometers. The village primarily cultivates flowers, sugarcane, leeks, red onions, and other agricultural products. Sugarcane is the village's most distinctive agricultural product.

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Xiaishi village. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

The Jianggao Town Agricultural Service Center under the Baiyun Supply and Marketing Cooperative is holding the festival to promote the development of local characteristic industries, build a brand for distinctive industries and launch high-quality agricultural tourism routes.

During the event, visitors can taste sweet sugarcane and admire the natural scenery and unique charm of Xiaishi village. The event itinerary includes visits to the Village History and Culture Museum, the unveiling of the agricultural tourism map, and the signing of agricultural product IP licensing agreements.

Additionally, visitors can enjoy activities such as the Baiyun Agricultural Market, which features a variety of specialty agricultural and sideline products from Jianggao town. There will also be exhibition booths showcasing intangible cultural heritage items like redwood palace lanterns and traditional water chestnut cakes.

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